Our services are offered on a yearly basis and contracts run July 1-June 30.
We credit the fee and time for the hourly session to the package fee for the same contract year.
A package service provides a regular cadence to meetings. In addition, you are able to send questions via email to your adviser without worrying about additional charges.
Fit is key! You can look at our bios to see if there is an educational advisor with whom your child connects. In an introductory call, you can speak with us about your child’s needs and we’ll suggest the right adviser for them. Each child is unique and siblings may not work with the same adviser.
Nina’s availability is limited and she is happy to meet families on an hourly basis only.
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Parents are an important part of the planning process! With younger students, parents typically join most meetings, but it truly depends on your family. There are times when it’s best to have meetings only with parents to discuss sensitive issues and other times when we only meet with students to give them space and ownership of the process. Your educational advisor will discuss the approach that works best for your family and student.