Concordance Slider Tool


Below are the steps we recommend and a concordance tool to help you compare scores on the new SAT to those on the ACT.

Our Concordance Tool Can Help!

The best college essay writers approach the challenge as an opportunity. Think of the glass as half full: this is a difficult task, but it’s also a chance to reflect on what motivates you and why, and to connect with your readers on a personal level. And one of the trickiest things about getting started is that there a million different ways to do it well—what matters most is that it stays authentic to you. We hope the resources below will help you get started with brainstorming, planning, and writing. But first, here are some examples of the advice that admissions readers give about the main essay:

SAT Score: 1100
ACT Concordance: 21
ACT Score: 22
SAT Concordance: 1100
How to Use Our Concordance Tool
  • Once you have the scores for both tests, use the concordance tool above to see whether you or your child did better on the ACT or SAT. You can use the junior year PSAT score to substitute for an SAT score, but we find that scores on an actual proctored SAT are the best predictors of SAT scores.
  • If the score comparison indicates that one test is better by a margin of one ACT point or more, you or your child should probably study for that test.
  • If the scores are comparable, ask your child to consider the following factors:
  • Which test did she or he feel better taking? Comfort level with the test is a big factor in eventual performance, so students should think about this carefully.
  • Slower, deliberate test takers should lean toward the SAT.
  • Students who struggle with reading comprehension passages from older texts (think Benjamin Franklin, Virginia Woolf, or Jeremy Bentham) should lean towards the ACT.
  • Students who like to move quickly through surface questions should favor the ACT.
  • Students with an SAT EBRW (Reading-Writing) score below 500 should opt for the ACT.
Important: Choose either the ACT or the SAT and focus on that test. The tests are different enough that, for most students, studying for both is a tremendous waste of time. Also, preparing for both may prevent score improvement. The SAT prioritizes careful consideration, while the ACT prioritizes speed. Most students who switch back and forth between tests follow the wrong strategies for each test, and this affects potential improvement.