High School

We truly like teenagers and young adults. Supporting them is what we do. Our tutors and advisors have over 300 years of experience working with students in middle school, high school, and college. We see this job as a career choice, not a side hustle or one of many other commitments. Let us help your child chart their path and make the most of their high school experience.
Educational Planning and College Admissions

We each have 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week. Our counselors help students use that time in a sane and healthy way to develop authentic interests, take an appropriately challenging curriculum, identify universities that will help them grow, and execute the admissions process.

Standardized Test Prep: SAT & ACT

When should my child start SAT or ACT preparation? How can she raise her scores? Parents have lots of questions about standardized tests. We can help. Marks Education’s professional tutors provide comprehensive and effective one on one test preparation at all academic levels with superior results.

Academic Tutoring

Need support writing a literary analysis paper on the Great Gatsby or figuring out quadratic equations? We can help you. Marks Education has a full time, experienced and dedicated team of tutors who can help students across the subject areas whether they need assistance with Honors Biology, or World History for example.

student study group
person highlighting pages
Summer Reading and Writing Programs
Looking to improve your child’s critical reading and writing skills? Marks Education offers tailored Reading and Writing Programs to help your child stay current during the summer months. Packages include twelve 50-minute interactive, discussion-based tutoring sessions for students in 7th grade and above.
Summer Math Program
Looking to reinforce math skills? The Math Intensive Program is a tailored approach to help students sharpen their math skills during the summer months! The program includes fifteen 50-minute interactive, discussion-based tutoring sessions. Open to students entering 6th grade and above.
math on chalkboard